Saturday, February 27, 2010

The way 02/27/2010 ended

02/27/2010 Moon
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
The most beautiful, large, full moon I remember seeing in a bit. Clear skies and it almost seemed so close we could touch it.

Hello Kitty - 58/365 Photo

Hello Kitty - 58/365 Photo
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
Ok, so unless you live under a rock you probably heard about the tsunami warning that Hawaii was under today. After an early morning phone call, we all rushed out of the house to stock up on the necessities that I should have gotten yesterday on a planned trip to the commissary that we didn't end up making. Whew, that was a mouthful! Those flashlights I bought yesterday? That was luck. All is well and the tsunami turned out to be just a bit of waves, thank goodness. In all of the chaos, I think some might have forgotten that Chile went through a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Please keep them in your thoughts and help out in any way you can.

Click here to view the other Hello Kitty photos from my 365 project.

Here is the Flickr Page for my 365 project.   

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello Kitty - 57/365 Photo

We got a couple of new flashlights today and we had to take an evening stroll. With weather this good, why would we stay inside?

Hello Kitty - 57/365 Photo

As an added bonus, here's one of Hope as well.
Hope 57b

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello Kitty - 56/365 Photo

Hello Kitty - 56/365 Photo
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
Don't worry - we got her out and she was none the worse for the wear. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello Kitty - 54/365 Photo

Hello Kitty - 54/365 Photo
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
Can you hear the mouse in the background cackling? There's such a sense of irony about this one, isn't there?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hello Kitty - 53/365 Photo

Hello Kitty - 53/365 Photo
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
I think we can all use a little reminder to see the world through someone else's eyes.

I had to get deep for a minute there but Hello Kitty just wanted to know if they made her look cute. Ummm.....

Click here to view the other Hello Kitty photos from my 365 project.

Here is the Flickr Page for my 365 project. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hello Kitty - 52/365 Photo

Hello Kitty - 52/365 Photo
Originally uploaded by Photography by Michelle Hires
Playing catch up today so I was kind of tied to the computer for a bit. I did manage to get quite a bit done in spite of that.

Click here to view the other Hello Kitty photos from my 365 project.

Here is the Flickr Page for my 365 project.   

I ♥ Faces - Hands on Fun

I know we've all seen this coming our way at some point.  We point the camera until they can't stand it any more and they come at us like this!  I'm happy that at least she was smiling in the process. :)

I'm sure there are going to be more than a handful (HAHAHAHAHA) of awesome entries this week...make sure you check them out at 

Thanks for stopping by to see mine!