Thursday, March 12, 2009

Retail Therapy

I know I'm not the only one who can understand this...retail therapy. The high you get from spending money. We, like many other American's, recently received our tax refund and I've decided to spend most of it and do my part in stimulating the economy. It doesn't hurt that Target recently opened TWO new stores on the island of Oahu here in sunny Hawaii. Took them long enough, huh?? Let me just tell you, there is nothing like stepping inside of a store you've been deprived of for almost 18 months. I imagine I'll feel just as good when I'm able to eat a Chipotle burrito once again (nope, we don't have one of those either). As a result of the deprivation, there has been a crazy urge to buy any and everything that I just don't need. Who cares about need anyway? It's all about want when you're in need of a spiritual uplifting, right?!? Well let's just say, it worked ;)

1 comment:

  1. I did my part with a portion of my tax return as well. It really WAS nice to buy a few things that I'd not been able to get. ahhhhhhh. Maybe I am really one of those people and just don't want to admit it, lol!
